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Scientific Award BMW Group 2007 Review

August 2006
Filed under: BMW CORPORATE Car News | BMW CORPORATE Headlines

The BMW Group offers support worth EUR 70,000 to talented young researchers from all disciplines worldwide

Munich, 08/15/2006 -- The BMW Group is inviting young academics from all over the world to submit their entries for the prize for up-and-coming scientists - the Scientific Award 2007. The motto of the award is "Passion for Innovation", and prizes are presented to the authors of outstanding Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral theses, regardless of their subject. The 2007 Award, with prizes worth a total of EUR 70,000, will be the ninth in the series so far. The closing date for entries is 7 January 2007.

Scientific Award BMW Group 2007 - one of the most highly endowed scientific awards worldwide (BMW)

"The world is built on innovations; to have innovations, we need people who, with creativity, curiosity and passion, forge ahead with revolutionary new ideas. The Scientific Award serves to underline the importance our company attaches to young academics' spirit of inventiveness", says Prof. Dr. Dr. E.h. Burkhard Göschel, Member of the Board of Management of the BMW AG and patron of the Scientific Award 2007. The prize is seen as an integral part of the ongoing dialogue between the BMW Group, industry and science.

Source: BMW Group

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